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Website testing: the connection between web performance & conversion rate

The relationship between website performance and conversion rate is often mentioned as well as appreciated as an essential factor. Is it the truth? Today, MySpeed uses website testing to do some comparison between them as well as tell you some studies prove that fact. Let’s discover.

Website testing: the connection between web performance & conversion rate

Study proves the connection between web performance & conversion rate

First of all, we need to understand what is the conversion rate. Observing conversion rate is important because those metrics will measure the success of a website, a landing page, a marketing campaign, or a small A / B test. A high conversion rate leads to a better ROI. Let's see the following formula:

On the other hand, we also have a formula for CPA (Cost per action).

Basing on these formulae, how do studies prove the relationship between website performance and conversion rate?

Basing on these formulae, how do studies prove the relationship between website performance and conversion rate?

In 2006, Amazon conducted the first study that shows a clear relationship between page load times and online customer revenue. It is concluded every 100 milliseconds of delay causes a 1% loss in Amazon revenue.

In the recent study, Intuit also presented their findings on the Velocity website when they attempted to reduce page load times from 15 to 2 seconds, while also observing a significant increase in conversions. with each second the time is shortened, namely:

+ 3% conversion per second reduced from 15 seconds to 7 seconds

+ 2% conversion per second down from 7th to 5th

+ 1% conversion per second down from 4th to 2nd

In another recent report, Kyle Rush from the website "2011 Obama for America" also pointed out that every 3 seconds of page load time is reduced (from 5 seconds to 2 seconds), the website improves by 14%. This resulted in an election contribution of more than 34 million dollars.

In fact, there are many studies showing the correlation between economic benefits with improving website performance. In addition, the higher the traffic, the greater the impact of each millisecond. Therefore, you should often run website testing to check your website performance in order to have immediate improvement if your website has a problem.

How should Website testing results be at?

With the above studies, it can be clearly seen that the essential role of website performance. However, how should Website testing results be at?

First of all, you run a website test speed to check your website, to know the current situation of your site. Is it good enough or not?

MySpeed is one of the most reliable website test speed nowadays

There is a lot of online website test speed such as MySpeed, GTmetrix, Pingdom or Dareboost, etc. Especially, MySpeed is a free online tool that offers to test your website accurately and comprehensively. Through the test, you will have the answer to why your web loads slowly and whether your web is secure or not. This data is significantly important to make some necessary modifications for better site quality.

According to a recent Unbounce Page Speed Report, the average website load time in 2019 is 15 seconds. However, your website should take no more than 3 seconds to load the page, this is a recommendation of a big multinational technology company - Google. Why? The reason is given is that 53% of users abandon your page if it takes longer than three seconds to load ( Storm.M). Users always expect that your website will load quickly.

The reason is given is that 53% of users abandon your page if it takes longer than three seconds to load ( Storm.M)

Even in many fields, people always try to reduce the website loading page as much as possible at around 6-7 seconds. In detail,

  • Automotive: 6.3 seconds

  • Consumer packaged goods: 6.6 seconds

  • Finance: 5.9 seconds

  • Healthcare: 5.4 seconds

  • Media & entertainment: 5.5 seconds

  • Retail: 6.3 seconds

  • Technology: 6.7 seconds

  • Travel: 6 seconds

Even in many fields, people always try to reduce the website loading page as much as possible at around 6-7 seconds

So, what is your website testing result? If the result is not good, you can try to apply some ways we mentioned in the article Online Website Testing Tool Free: How Fast Should A Website Load?


There is no denying that the sticking relationship between website performance and conversion rate. Through that, the role of running website testing is emphasized. You need to conduct the test regularly to know the current situation and have solutions to remain your website performance at the optimal level.

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